
MyFirstBlog.net services are freely available for use by anyone who registers their own blogs on MyFirstBlog.net. Please make yourself familiar with the rules provided in our Terms of Service. Failure to comply with our Term of Service will result in removal of your blog WITHOUT warnings. MyFirstBlog.net disclaims all warranties or representations, express or implied, oral or written, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. MyFirstBlog.net does not warrant that its services are error-free or that they will operate without interruption nor does MyFirstBlog.net make any warranty with respect to the quality, reliability, timeliness or security of its services.

Any network downtime, files corruption and everything that could result in damages to your blogs are not our responsibility. However we have taken measures to do a daily backup of your blogs.

MyFirstBlog.net does not verify contents of any blogs using our free service. All blog owners are responsible for everything inside their own blogs.  Adult contents are NOT allowed

You are not allowed to associate your blog with adult oriented material such as pornography, pyramid schemes, or any material which may be insulting to another person(s) or company, or depicts the exploitation of minors (children under 16 years of age). No spamming allowed, no harassing, threatening or illegal activities.

MyFirstBlog.net may remove your blog without warnings if we find that you do not follow our terms. We would also remove your blog if we notice that there is no evident of activity for more then 60 days.

All blog owners are required to keep their email address up to date on the system.

MyFirstBlog.net services are completely free. They may be used for Business (Commercial) Sites or Personal Sites. All you have to do is abide by the rules. By registering, you are to abide to our Terms of Service. You then agree to indemnify and hold harmless MyFirstBlog.net for any loss, liability, and damage arising from or in connection with the contents or service of any MyFirstBlog.net Services.

Your blog may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or distribution of any information, data, or material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material; trademarks; trade secrets or other intellectual property rights used without proper authorization; material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws.

Violations of system or network security are prohibited and may result in criminal and civil liability. Examples include but are not limited to the following: unauthorized access, use, probing, or scanning of systems security or authentication measures, data, or traffic; interference with service to any user, host, or network including, without limitation, mail bombing, flooding, deliberate attempts to overload a system, broadcast attacks; forging of any TCP-IP packet header or any part of the header information in an email or a newsgroup posting.

Any violation of our Terms of Service may result in corrective action by MyFirstBlog.net, including assessment of additional charges, removal of your blog, or termination of this Agreement, which actions may be taken in MyFirstBlog.net’s sole and absolute discretion.

MyFirstBlog.net reserves the right to amend or change these Terms of Service at any time and without prior notice. If you notice any MyFirstBlog.net blogs breaking any of the rules, please notify us by click here to contact us.

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